Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lifestyle Changes

I started running a little over a year ago. I noticed that, at the age of 23, my metabolism was not what it used to be...the only solution that came to mind was to become more active. It came slow. The first time I ran a full mile without stopping, I can't tell you how proud I was. It was a huge accomplishment for me. And from then on, I was hooked.

The year got rougher because it seemed like every few weeks I was coming down with strep throat, sinus infections, sore throats, bronchitis, etc. The last several months of the year, my running became sporadic at best. When the new year hit and I finally got over all the infections I had been fighting, I laced up my running shoes yet again. I'm not saying I'm running exactly 4 times every week, but I am out there at least every other day. I dont go more than 3 days without running anymore. I can't. It doesn't feel right.

The last couple mornings, I've been having to go work 9am-6pm. However, by the time 6/6:30 rolls around, the humidity is a killer. I've decided to just go to bed earlier, set my alarm for 6am, run for an hour, shower, then go to work. If you know me, you know how out of character it is. I've never been a morning person, but running is changing that.

I really just never had anything I felt was worth waking up early for. Running really changes my mood for the entire day. I can walk into work knowing no matter what happens, I've already accomplished something. Running is changing my life...literally. I schedule things around the times I plan to run. I've gotten some friends into running recently. I'm waking up early, voluntarily, without someone trying to taser me out of bed.

And now, I'm committed to running this half marathon. The crazy thing is, the change happened so gradually, so naturally, that it didn't feel like a sacrifice. I never felt like I was losing anything. I think that's how real changes happen. When you are passionate about something, it changes you. And when changes happen, it doesn't feel like a sacrifice because you truly want to do it. No one is forcing you. No one is holding it over your head.

I suppose the change is happening because I'm running with purpose. I'm running now for something bigger than myself. With that said, I hope there's something in your life that you're passionate about...that gets you out of bed in the morning. And when you find it, do it with purpose.

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