Sunday, June 5, 2011

Celebrate Small Victories

A few nights ago after work, I mapped out 3 miles from my house and back. Lately, I've been regularly running 2 miles (more than less) around town. Today I ran the 3-mile loop I'd mapped out. Running all the way.

It was huge for me. Actually, anytime I'm able to add distance, I make it a big deal. I never thought that I'd be able to run a full mile without stopping, much less 3 miles. Completing the half marathon in December will be a major milestone for me. But weekly or bi-weekly, I'm pushing myself to keep adding distance. When I'm able to add the distance, I really do get so excited.

I've got a short-term goal I'm shooting for at the end of July: finally run 5 miles without stopping for breath or walking because I'm winded. When I hit that goal, I'm buying myself a nicer pair of running shoes. I may be athletic, but I'm still a girl. :)

Over the last year or so, I've learned the value of celebrating small victories. I think it makes you more fun to be around when you're excited about life. And it makes you a more positive person. There's too many negative things that happen in life to get caught up on. Life happens and we have to deal with whatever comes our way, but really, there's more to life than the obstacles that come in our way. So, I say celebrate the little things. Set big goals. But, don't overlook the victories along the way. It makes the journey more fun.

If every step has purpose, then every step along the way has value. Celebrate the value and the victory in the journey.

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